
Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm Not Moving, Mama! by Nancy White Carlstrom

Title: I'm Not Moving, Mama!
Author: Nancy White Carlstrom
Illustrator: Thor Wickstrom
Copyright: 1990, Macmillan Publishing Company.
Grade Level:1-3
Genre: Fiction

This story is about a mouse who realizes that his mother is moving to a different place and he decides he does not want to move away. He offers his mother his good toys and his things in order not to move. As he reminds his mother of all the good things that they are leaving behind, his mother reminds him that the new place will have the same things, and that those things would not be the same without the little mouse there. The little mouse tries to persuade his mother into not moving by offering her more of his personal things and by telling her all the wonderful things he will miss if they move. In the end, the mouse finally has to move and he tells his mother that he does not like moving. His mother tells him that she doesn't either, but it's better being all together in someplace new.

Pre-Reading Activity:Talk about moving, and why people move. Ask the children if they'd like to move. Why or why not? Introduce different places in the world, and talk about different cultures.
Post-Reading Activity:
Ask the children to talk about the book. Ask them if they'd want to move and if not, why not. The children can make a list of all the things they'd miss if they had to move, and also a list of new things they can look forward to.

I think this is a great book. It shows how attached this little mouse is to his home, and how he doesn't want to move away. It's interesting to read this book after learning a little about the author. Since she moved to different places and traveled a lot, I kind of have an idea of why she wrote this story.

About the Author:
Nancy White Carlstrom has writen more than fifty books for children. She gets her inspiration from living in Alaska for eighteen years and volunteering in Haiti and Africa. She has two sons, Joshua and Jesse. When she was younger, she wrote a lot of poetry and during her high school years she worked in a library in Washington, Pennsylvania. Her dream was to be a writer.
In college, she majored in Elementary Education. She tutored and worked with many kids in her lifetime, and she also taught first and second grade in Massachusetts. She liked books so much that she decided to open up her own little bookstore called The Secret Garden Children's Bookshop. Her work has been rejected numerous times, but she believed in herself and in her writing and she was persistant enough to keep trying. Most of her book ideas come from her family life. Her son, Josh and her husband, David are both pilots.


"Many of my books grew out of our real family experiences. I'm Not Moving expressed my sentiment when we were forced to move at an extremely difficult time. But I was reminded that at least we're all together and that's when I wrote the book." - Nancy

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