Title: the Storyteller's Candle
Author: Lucia Gonzalez
Illustrator: Lulu Delacre
Copyright: 2008, Children's Book Press, San Francisco, California.
Grade: 2- higher elementary
This story is about Pura Belpre, the first Puerto Rican woman to become a librarian. It's a story about her inviting people into the library and letting them know the library is for everyone, even those who speak Spanish.
Pre-Reading Activity:Talk about importance of books. Have children write and illustrate their own book. Or create one book for the whole class that can be added to the schools library for everyone to see.
Post-Reading Activity:
Take a trip to the library with the students and have them pick out a bilingual book.
This is a great non-fictional story about a Puerto Rican woman who becomes a first librarian. I think it's a wonderful book that can teach children about this woman, and about the importance of the library. Since it's also written in Spanish, I think it's a great book for those who don't speak English or who are learning English.
About the Author:
Lucia Gonzalez was born in Havana, Cuba in 1957. Currently she lives in Miami, Florida. Lucia has always been fascinated by stories from other countries. Today, she is a published author of children's books. Some of the books she has written are The Storyteller's Candle/La velita de los cuentos and Bossy Gallito/El Gallo De Bodas.
“My dream became to compile some of the most popular stories told to children throughout the Americas and retell them in English so that I could pass them onto our children in the U.S.A.”
About the Author
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